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We are a gathering place for those walking the Wiccan path, offering spiritual services and a supportive community. Our aim is to create a space where you can explore your spiritual journey, connect with like-minded individuals, and embrace the traditions of Wicca.


Who we are and what we do.

Our mission is to meet the spiritual needs of the Pagan community of Vancouver Island by providing education, worship, environmental stewardship, fellowship, and a safe environment for self-expression and development.

Grow Spiritually and share your beliefs with your whole family in a comfortable, friendly community that began in the US in 1979, and in Canada in 1993 and still growing strong. These children are the future of our proud Pagan heritages and the many newer modern Pagan traditions.

ATCC is structured as a Wiccan church, but we consider ourselves an open, inclusive Interfaith Church of Earth Religions, and respect the many choices available to seekers today. We are oriented toward serving the larger Pagan community. We have never required someone to sponsor or vouch for another to participate in any activity.

We do have some internal hierarchy for organizational stability, but we work pretty much by consensus. One thing we don’t do is fight with each other. We don’t take kindly to folks who are into playing power-over games or are addicted to conflict and uproar, so we quietly take those aside and explain what is expected for them to remain a part of the ATC extended family. While a few of them may leave, in our experience, the majority choose to change their negative behavior and stay. In either case, all ATCC members have benefited.

What We Believe

We believe in the Goddess as a guiding force in our spiritual journey. She connects us to the divine feminine energy that nurtures and empowers us on the Wiccan path. 

  • Our Vision

    In the belief that the Quality of Life and our Vision is crucial to both our temporal and spiritual success in this incarnation, the people of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church seek to create an environment and community which:

    Respects The Individual

    · by respecting the right of each to formulate their own belief system and structure, free from imposed dogma or doctrine handed down from others;

    · by empowering every individual member through the encouragement of individual inquiry and investigation of matters of personal belief and the reaffirmation of the validity of responsible individual choice; by encouraging the development of each individual according to their potential through religious study, training, mutual growth and respect;

    · by creating an environment where the quality of each individual’s relationships with every other member are open and accepting of each other as we are now;

    · by nurturing and supporting a culture in which all can grow and mature in perfect love and perfect trust while learning to live in harmony with each other;

    Understands The Only Limits Are Those Which Are Self-imposed

    · by encouraging those who choose not to be limited to reach out and grow;

    · by encouraging each and every member through active support, both within and without the Circle, to take the initiative to improve the quality of their lives and their daily working relationships through active growth, in order to:

    Foster Unity, Teamwork, And Tolerance For Others

    · by recognizing that everyone within the circle has equial value and everyone has something for us to hear and comprehend;

    · by instilling and valuing the active listening and understanding of other points of view;

    · by recognizing that each member’s role in improving relationships within our families, our Circle, our jobs and our lives is truly important, in order that we may:

    Create True And Meaningful Lives

    · by filling our every minute with a sense of responsible joy, love, pleasure and humor, harming no one in the process;

    · by challenging each of us to reward ourselves in this life by being more through conscious effort;

    · by honoring the natural order of the universe and our Goddess and Gods through the regular acknowledgement and celebration of the solar, lunar and other cycles of our life,

    Thereby Encouraging

    · a faith in the ability to accept and solve one’s own problems on all levels, public and private;

    · a lifelong commitment to personal and universal growth and balance;

    · an understanding that human interdependence implies community cooperation, requiring us to practice every day what we preach. We must use our talents and skills to actively help each other as well as the community at large;

    · a concern with making one’s lifestyle consistent with one’s proclaimed beliefs.

    This is the vision we ask all members of the Aquarian Tabernacle Church family to share with us as we journey through this lifetime together.

    The Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada

  • Statement of Belief

    We see God in everything: as a single, supreme, infinite, and holy energy often referred to in other cultures as “The All”, the “Great Mother”, the Tao. We believe this holy energy is the source of all things, eternally expressing Itself in infinite ways while maintaining universal balance between Its projective and receptive aspects. The easiest way to for us as humans to conceptualize this supreme force is as holy parents, hence our frequent reference to Deity as both “God and Goddess”. We believe each person to be an aspect or expression of Deity, whole and holy, with strengths and weaknesses, triumphs and failures. We strive to see and appreciate the reflection of deity within each being.

    We understand that we learn from adversity and that all lessons are holy. We strive to be grateful for our lessons, understanding that Goddess must know the mystery of all things and so, also strive to forgive the bearer for being a part of the interaction. We believe that the balance will exert itself, and that events are neither good nor bad, but just are. We choose to label the events in our lives, and we can choose to change those labels.

    We believe that energy exists and manifests throughout our world within the divine and the elements of nature. We work to understand and master our expression of this energy, and we endeavor to maintain a state of love and service for ourselves and the world around us. We maintain that God/dess has already provided everything we need; it therefore falls upon us to properly exercise our free will and appropriately distribute our resources so that everyone’s need are met.

    We believe in reincarnation. We see space and time as a circle. Just as we go to sleep each night and wake up each morning, we pass into the Summerlands, to be reborn anew.

    We believe the Universe is a safe place to learn and grow, and that the worst thing that can happen to you still results in your return to the God/dess.

    “For I have been with thee from the beginning, and I am that which is attained at the end of desire.”

  • ATC Inclusivity Statement

    At the Aquarian Tabernacle Church we strive to uphold a culture of inclusivity and acceptance for all Genders and Sexualities.  We recognize that each person’s gender identity and sexuality are unique, sacred, and valid – and we believe there is a place for everyone in our circle.

    As Wiccans we believe:

    • Love is Love.
    • Trans Women are Women.
    • Trans Men are Men.
    • Nonbinary, Agender, and Genderqueer are valid and real genders.
    • Gender cannot be defined solely by a binary of “men” and “women,” but exists on an infinite spectrum to include those who identify as non-binary, genderqueer, and agender.
    • There are infinite genders and sexual identities – and each are deserving of respect and love, and all have a place in our circle to experience magic with us.
    • Goddess Worship does not equal Womb Worship – anyone can invoke and hold Goddess energy regardless of their body type, fertility, age, gender, or sexuality. 
    • God Worship does not equal Phallic Worship – anyone can invoke and hold God energy regardless of their body type, virility, age, gender, or sexuality.   
    • “Fertility”, “Motherhood” and “Fatherhood” in magical and ritual context are about creative potential, prosperity and manifestation.  They are a divine states that can be experienced by anyone.

    Our priesthood is given the choice to hold the role of Priest, Priestess, or Priestx.  These roles are less about our sex or Gender and more about the way we will hold and direct energy within the circle.

    The importance of INFORMED and ENTHUSIASTIC CONSENT in all things – especially sexuality.  Wicca is a sex-positive fertility religion but this will never mean that you have to engage in any activity that makes you feel unsafe or uncomfortable.

    The 2SLGBTQ+ community has something valid and important to say inherent to its existence and we welcome the ways in which queer members of our community challenge our society and our faith to grow. We have been changed by the insights of 2SLGBTQ+ people and we believe that change is a force for good.

    By the principle of “As Above, So Below,” the 2SLGBTQ+ community has something vital to reveal and reflect about the Divine and our spiritual practices.

    We recognize that many published texts about Wicca use very gendered and binary language that may seem to limit or restrict the experience of magic to those who are hetero-normative.  As a group and as individuals, we work to deconstruct these binary and hetero-normative concepts within our faith. We acknowledge the shortcomings of the past, but believe that our path is a living, growing, and changing thing that does not have to be limited by ideals of the past.  We strive to let each individual express and experience their own truth – and we acknowledge that the experience of Receptive and Projective energies are equally accessible to every person and there are realms in between the Receptive and Projective as well as places where they overlap.   

    We witness the hate and fear in this world currently directed towards the 2SLGBTQ+ Community, and this concerns us greatly.  We strive to offer a safe and inclusive environment for all people to enjoy Pagan rituals and worship.  As such – we will not tolerate any actions or language that express bigotry, discrimination, or hatefulness within our spaces – online or in person, at our public or private events.

    The ATC strives to affirm, uplift and welcome the 2SLGBTQ+ community in all aspects of our faith. We have 2SLGBTQ+ clergy, lay leaders, and members of our community who are welcome to lead in worship, practice the Craft with us.  We are here to provide you with a space to worship, grow and live in community fully. You are divine. You are whole. You are power. You are change.

    We love you!

  • Charitable Status

    The Aquarian Tabernacle Church is the first Wiccan Church in Canada to receive charitable status!

    Read all about it here!

our core values

Embrace Your Pagan Path With Us

Maybe you’ve been a seeker on the path of Paganism for years, or maybe you’re just trying to find out if this is the right path for you. You may be a “solitary,” or perhaps looking for that group that feels right for you.

our core values


One of Vancouver Island’s best kept secrets, the Aquarian Tabernacle Church of Canada. The ATCC was begun by a few Wiccans who wanted simply to establish a place where anyone on the path could go to celebrate the seasonal turning of the Wheel of the Year with others. It was the right idea at the right time, with the right people guiding it. The rest is history. .

our core values

Atc Around the world

We are a fully recognized Wiccan Church respected by Government and other faiths has been such a successful idea that ATC has spread out and is now active and recognized as a Wiccan church throughout the English speaking world; U.S., Canada, Australia, Ireland, South Africa, and still growing.


Our team

The people of ATCC's team are passionate about our church and providing members with everything they could possibly need.

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